Bringing you Extensive Experience
Foundation Installation
Monopole Installation
Tower Construction
Access Tracks
Tower Strengthening
Tower Maintenance and Upgrades
Microwave Link Installation and Commissioning
Multiplexer Installation and Commissioning
Base Station Installation and Commissioning
Antenna System Installation and Commissioning
Network Maintenance
Communications Rigging
Steel Rigging

About SDK
Founded in February 2018 SDK Solutions has diverse range of capabilities to offer end to end network solutions to the mobile telecommunications market. Though the company may be new the people working in it are not, having done RACAPs all the way through to full Greenfield building works for major clients. All of our services except some Civils are completed in house, this offers a more consistent and efficient delivery through to our client. SDK Solutions is dedicated to providing quality services to clients through a skilled, proficient workforce that is able to manage and deliver a wide range of projects and are highly experienced, having worked all over Australia on major projects and for major network owners and operators. Our team have a wealth of experience in the telecommunications industry, with an understanding of the industry standards and the ability to quickly adapt to new client requirements.